アート・インスティチュート・オブ・シアトルおよびニューヨークのビジュアルアートスクールを卒業後、Neo Magazine、Female、Djakarta!、PS: Magazineなどのマガジンアート/クリエイティブダイレクターとしてキャリアをスタート。出版物のデザインに焦点を当て、インドネシアの大手出版会社Kompas-Gramediaにてノンフィクションやアートブックのデザインを手がけている。2008年には、姉妹でAmpersand Studioを設立、主に出版関係のデザインを制作している。
また、様々なデザインセミナーのスピーカーや、IDS (International Design School)でグラフィックデザインの授業を持つ。インドネシアのグラフィックデザイン専門職の将来を懸念して、Adgi (Indonesia Graphic Designer Association)に携わるようになり、現在、2014年-2016年期間のAdgiの理事を務める。
After graduating from Art Institute of Seattle in 1995 and School of Visual Arts New York in 1998, Zinnia started her career as an art/creative director for magazines, such as Neo Magazine, Female, Djakarta!, and PS: Magazine. In 2001, she and a couple of friends tried to build a creative boutique, Akal Design that produces a couple of movie poster and music album covers such as “Eliana, eliana” and “Rumah Ketujuh” and for Andien, Katon, and other artists. They went on their separate ways in 2003, that was when she realize her love for book design. She focused her career on publication design and continuing after that, she does numerous commission work, working together with one of Indonesia's largest publishing company, Kompas-Gramedia, designing mostly non-fiction and art books. In 2008 till today, together with her sister, they build Ampersand Studio, with most of its portfolio consisting of publications. They also team up with Cocinero, a branding firm and created a product called “Verre, a compparel”, computer accessories designed as skin that is removable, reusable and washable. Ampersand's core is to collaborate with other designers to create works that can excite people. Recently, they created a book together with the up & coming illustrator, Emte, due to be out in February 2016 Besides building a career, her involvement in the design world has varied including becoming a speaker in various design seminars and teaches graphic design at IDS (International Design School). Since 2009, coming from her concerns for the graphic design profession in Indonesia, she became involve in Adgi (Indonesia Graphic Designer Association) now currently as Adgi's President 2014-2016 period.