DOOR to ASIA is a Designers in Residence program where designers from Asian countries gather in a community for a period of time to create “communication design” for the local companies.

To the designers, this serves as a golden opportunity for them to connect with fellow designers from various regions and a precious learning experience of the practical roles that design plays in tackling common issues shared by Asian countries such as “regional revitalization” and “natural disasters”.

To the local companies, this project presents them a chance to rediscover their own industries, their strengths and unique features, as well as to establish networks and friendships in Asia, so as to imagine and construct a common future together.

This program opens our door to the future, slowly but surely, through design and communication between designers and the local companies.

In DOOR to ASIA 2018, we had young and ambitious designers from eight Asian countries and regions, namely Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, India, China, Taiwan and Republic of Korea.

「DOOR to ASIA」は、アジア各国のデザイナーたちが地域に一定期間滞在し、地元事業者と自国をつなぐための “コミュニケーションデザイン” を制作するデザイナーズ・イン・レジデンス形式プログラムです。




DOOR to ASIA 2018では、アジア 8 つの国と地域(インドネシア・タイ・フィリピン・マレーシア・インド・中国・台湾・韓国)から新進気鋭の若手デザイナーが参加しました。