箱根山フェス 開催しました


Thank you all for joining us at Hakoneyama Festival!

Hakoneyama Festival was a huge success. Kudos to everyone who put the event together!

過去4年間に行われたDOOR to ASIA集大成となるイベントでしたが、過去の参加デザイナーや事業者さん・スタッフの再会に、デザイナー紹介のシェフたちやご来場のお客さまなど、新たな仲間が加わり、むしろ出会いとはじまりに溢れた1日となりました。

It was the culmination of DOOR to ASIA over the past four years, as we welcomed back designers and local companies who joined us over the years at Hakoneyama Terrace. To many of us, it was more than a festival, but more an emotional and joyous reunion. Together with our guest chefs and newly made friends, we celebrated our friendship, old and new, with great food and companion.

DOOR to ASIAというひとつの円が閉じて終わるのではなく、その円がご縁によって続いていき、またひと回り輪が広がっていく、そんなことを感じるイベントだったように思います。ご来場いただいたみなさま、さまざまな形でご協力をいただいたみなさま、ありがとうございました。

DOOR to ASIA has come to full circle in Tohoku, but this circle of friendship and cycle of goodwill will continue for a long time to come. We would like to express our gratitude to all the staff and guests, for without whom this event would never be successful.


P.S. The curry dishes cooked up by renowned chefs from the four countries were truly divine, unforgettable and life-changing.


Read below fo a simple summary of the festival

(Photo: DOOR to ASIA/Kazuhiko Monden)

朝9:00。グッと気温の下がった晴天の箱根山で、インドのデザイナーSamia Singhのモーニングヨガからスタート。近所からヨギーニたちがヨガマット片手に集まり、和気あいあいと汗を流しました。

9am: Under the clear blue skies of Hakoneyama, the festival started with a yoga session by our Indian designer Samia. Holding yoga mats in one hand, our participants showed up early in the morning with crisp fresh air lingering in the mountains.

10時には別会場で、デザイナーと子どもたちがチームを組んで将来の街を創造するワークショップ 「箱根山デザインスクール」(by Pensea Next Switch/ supported by team TENT.) が始まりました。白地図の上に粘土や毛糸やペンキなど、いろいろな素材をペタペタ。できあがった街の写真をぜひご覧ください!

10am: Designers and children formed teams to imagine and create the future of the city. This was "Hakoneyama Design School", a workshop organized by local design company Pensea Next Switch and Team TENT. Children and designers filled the blank map canvas with their imagination as they painted, drew and constructed with clay. Find out what the future created by the children looks like in the photos!


11am: A delicious whiff of spice drifts in the air at Hakoneyama Terrace, neatly and colorfully decorated by the designers, as people started congregating. In the meantime, Hakoneyama Film Festival begins at a different venue.


12 noon: In the blink of an eye, a long snaking queue is formed outside the tent, as the enticing aroma from the potpourri of curry continues to draw large crowds. At the opening ceremony, we invited our designers and chefs, together with a representative from Rikuzentakata to launch the event with the traditional ritual of "kagami-biraki", provided by local sake brewery Suisen. Amid the cheers from the crowd, fluttering snow slowly descended from the winter skies.

13時、鈴木 歩さんによるサウナハットづくり、フィリピンのデザイナーDangによるスタンプや八木澤商店による醤油の学校など、いろいろなワークショップがあちこちで始まります。小さなお子さんから大人まで、さまざまにお楽しみいただきました。

1pm: The afternoon program's highlights involve sauna hat making by local designer Ayumi Suzuki, cloth stamp workshop by Philippines designer Dang, Shoyu-making workshop by Yagisawa Shoten and so on. Participants of all ages enjoyed a fruitful afternoon at Hakoneyama.


2pm: People wearing T-shirts and short pants are seen walking out of the sauna van with steam emanating from their bodies. Up on the second floor, Yokotaya- an old seaweed processing company with a history of more than 300 years, is having a workshop for participants to learn about seaweed.

15時、映画祭の会場、気仙沼左官大工伝承館では僧侶Sato Ryokiさんによる坐禅ワークショップが開かれました。茅葺き屋根の畳の上でボディワークを交えた瞑想、気持ち良さそうです。

3pm: Participants gather at Denshokan- a museum with the traditional straw-thatched roof and architecture, as a local monk Ryoki leads the participants in a session of mindfulness- a free style zazen meditation.


4pm: Hakoneyama Festival comes to an end!


5pm: The Dinner Party commences as mouthwatering dishes are served one after another.

Hakoneyama Festival has come to an end but our story continues.