Go to Tohoku
First of all, I want to say thank you to Miki san for his invitation so that I can have the opportunity to participate in the DOOR to Asia 2017 program. Before that, I had visited Japan several times, but all were big cities like Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, etc. Visiting Tohoku, which is a country area, made me feel nervous, not to mention the challenge we had to face in those two weeks. To me, making a creative / design proposal for a local business during such a short time is not easy. At the same time, however, I was also quite looking forward to it. I think such a cooperation can bring a whole new experience for both parties and even create results beyond our expectations.
まず、2017年のDOOR to ASIAに参加することができたことに心より御礼を申し上げます。何度か日本には訪れたことがあったのですが、東京や京都、大阪などの大都会ばかりを見てきました。東北という都会以外の地域に行くことはドキドキしましたし、言うまでもなくこの2週間はチャンレジそのものでした。ある地元の事業者のためにクリエイティブ/デザインの提案を短期間で作り上げることは決して簡単なことではありません。しかし、それと同時にわくわく楽しみにしている自分もいたのです。このようなプログラムは、事業者とデザイナーの双方にとって新たな経験になり、私たちの想像を超えた思いもよらない結果を生み出すのだろうと感じています。

Rikuzentakata’s tough vitality
Rikuzentakata is the area most affected by the tsunami; the whole town was destroyed in the disaster. What is striking is the speed with which local residents (or Japanese) perform post-disaster reconstruction. Their review of the impact of disasters and the redevelopment plan are quite efficient and complete. I think this is a bit similar to Taiwanese, because there are similar disasters (earthquakes, typhoons, landslides, etc.) in Taiwan, so the speed of reconstruction is also fast.

Perhaps because the Japanese people often face formidable challenges to the natural environment, so they constantly think about how to survive and therefore can handle it better next time. I think this is very practical, and it’s also one of the most important reasons of being able to create a good product or design. It is these challenges that have shaped Japan’s high standards in various industries (not just design).

Communication beyond language limit
The most impressive thing of this trip was the three days home stay at Peace Jam employee Mr. Mitsu’s house. During these three days, we lived in his traditional Japanese house, which was located in the mountains, and enjoyed authentic Japanese cuisine with his family. Although the language was different, we still talked a lot to Mr. Mitsu and his family through the translation of Miss Grace’s help. Mr. Mitsu provided many information and ideas about Peace Jam, as well as stories about himself and his family. I think that was a very precious experience and it’s quite hard for me to have similar one in the future.

Learning from designers from other countries
Another important part of this journey was to work with designers from other countries. Although each person used a different language, the discussion of design was not affected, and everyone still shared his/her thoughts unselfishly. During the last three days of doing design work, I saw how other people work. Some people carried out design very quickly and others spent more time on thinking about concept. In addition, I could feel that every designer wants to propose the best solution to their companies. I think emotions like that do not need to be conveyed through language but can be felt in the finished art work. Therefore, the quality of final design work presented by each group was really really good. As a designer or as a person who participated in the last briefing, I learned a lot from it.

Process (Problem & Solution)
Peace Jam, a NPO organization founded by Ken san, hires local housewives in Kesennuma to make handmade jams and Baby Muslin, and then assists them with sales revenue. However, as a newly formed NPO organization, we observed that they faced some problems. The first problem is the identity system confusion, people cannot easily identify the logo or visual identity. The second problem is the website lacks information in other languages, so foreigners cannot understand the content. The third problem is that Peace Jam’s brand name and product name make people feel a bit confusing. The fourth issue is they are not yet clear about the strategy of overseas promotion.

Design Approach
In response to those issues, we have made some adjustments to the original logo, and proposed a new identity system. We tried to integrate Peace Jam’s image with the system which includes business cards, product packaging, website, product name, etc. At the same time, we also recommended them to adopt an overseas-authorized strategy, so Peace Jam system can operate in other countries and be known by more and more people.

Peace Jam is a surprising place. I used to think it was a simple jam factory, but I did not expect it to be a small community combining nursery and factory. The system and spirit of it influenced me and let me think about my work and life. After this trip finished, I become more willing to help other people (in different ways). I think this is the most important thing I learned from this trip. Thank you for bringing me this kind of experience.
ピースジャムはサプライズの多い場所です。最初は、単にジャムを作る工場だと思っていましたが、保育園と工場が組み合わさった小さなコミュニティスペースだと知ったときには驚きしました。この働き方とみなさんの心は、私の仕事や人生に大きな影響を与えたといっても過言ではありません。今回のプログラムを経て、もっと誰かの手助けをする仕事がしたいと思いました。これが恐らく今回のDOOR to ASIAでの一番の収穫であり、こんな素敵な体験をさせていただいたことに感謝の一言に尽きます。

In addition, I also want to say “Thank you so much” to Ken san. Not only introduced the story of Peace Jam, but also took us to seeing around in Kesennuma. In just a few days of time to get along, I can feel his thoughts and enthusiasm about Peace Jam. I think it’s not hard to do something right, but the moment that you are determined to do it is difficult. So whether Ken san or the entire Peace Jam team (staffs, mothers and children), I hope you will uphold the faith and let it continue.

During this journey, I met a lot of new people, including designers from various countries, staffs of DTA and people from Peace Jam. I was so nervous at the beginning, because I was not sure if I can make friends with them. But after first day of the journey, I felt quite relaxed because people here were friendly and easy going. Thank you, every designer; it’s my pleasure to meet you. Thank you, DOOR to Asia staff; you guys help a lot and let me have precious memories that I will never forget. : )
今回のプログラムを通して、ピースジャムのみなさん、DOOR to ASIAのスタッフのみなさん、そして各国のデザイナーなど、様々な人と出会いました。最初は、皆さんと仲良くなれるか不安でしたが、プログラムが開始して3日目、見事なまでにみなさんと仲良くなりました。デザイナーの一人一人にお会いできて光栄でした。そして、DOOR to ASIAの皆さん、一生忘れられない経験をさせていただきありがとうございました。