
Sanriku Toretate Ichiba / 三陸とれたて市場

Seafood / 魚介類

The Sanriku Coast is home to one of the best fishing grounds in the world. Sanriku Toretate Ichiba, located in Ofunato city of Iwate prefecture, utilizes the state of the art instant freezing technology CAS to produce high quality seafood products from the Pacific oceans.They also work closely with the Sanriku Fishing Union and local fisherman, so as to strike the perfect balance of relationships between the producers (fisherman) and consumers, a lesson learnt after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Two designers- In-ah from South Korea and Sudeep from India, together with an interpreter, spent a few days with Sanriku Toretate Ichiba. Dive into their stories and find out about their motivations for joining, experiences during this program, and thoughts after participation.





To confess with a bit of shame aside, I was very naive when I first took an offer to participate in Door to Asia. I simply took it as a free trip to Japan, I said yes without much understanding of Tohoku nor the program itself. The Door to Asia experience, however, was something that I wouldn’t have expected even though I had had a better understanding of the program. To sum up, it was a rare opportunity to meet ordinary but extraordinary people, which opened up the new world for me. How can someone expect something about the world that they never knew?

少し恥ずかしいですが、正直に言うと、DOOR to ASIAに招待されたとき、タダで日本に行けるチャンスだと捉え、東北のこともDOOR to ASIAのことも深く理解せずに、安易な気持ちで引き受けてしまいました。しかし、DOOR to ASIAでの体験は、自分が想像する以上のものでした。素晴らしい方々とお会いし、交流することができて、視野が広がりました。自分が全く知らなかった世界に置かれて、どんなものが期待できて、どんなものが手に入るのでしょうか?

Like I never expected to like the taste of Hoya…

As much as I enjoyed full package of lectures on social and local design, meeting up with local businesses was something that completed the whole experience. I was assigned to Sanriku Toritate Ichiba, who is just laughing new frozen fish products. Though we only had a short time and there was lots to digest (both information and nice frozen fish), the company owner, Mr. Yagi had clear on what he wanted. He specifically asked the designers that he needed a design that can bridge the gap between the pre-conception that frozen fishes are not fresh and taste no better than fish that looks alive. I say ‘fish that looks alive’ as Mr.Yagi changes my perception of freshness with his products. He explained the technology that enabled the magic but by tasting his products was enough to convince me. To convert a strong belief, eye-witnessing is the most effective tool than thousand words.


Like who’d thought this was 2 years frozen Oyster?

Reflecting on my experience, my design solution included some brand marketing strategies too. I suggested that the company should find opportunities to seek out to the customer in person, for example, it could be a pop-up restaurant or cooking studio. To expand this brand strategy, the product may better be found on local organic shops first rather than large chain supermarket. In this way, the product will position itself as ‘organic’ and ‘fresh’ first. Once the opportunity or the contact is made, this is where my role as a designer comes in. The brand image should manage the whole experience and atmosphere. I suggested that the brand should play with the idea that blends tradition with cutting-edge technology – like the ‘time capsule’. The visuals should look old, traditional yet elegant and sophisticated. Key visual symbol here was the rope; a traditional tool for fishing that has been used for thousands of years till today, and also a tool that holds things together, which works nicely as a symbol to hold a rather polarizing idea of ‘traditional’ and ‘cutting-edge technology’. Alongside, I presented few visual ideas such as a pop-up restaurant and cooking studio that looks like tradition fish house ‘ Banya’, packaging design that reflects traditional Japanese packaging, a leaflet that shows whole story of fish and people who are involved in the process of the product preparation, website where people can learn more or ask questions that they might have and more. I hope my suggestions sparked new possibilities like the experience in Door to Asia did to me. Best wishes for the new product launch, I pray to God for Mr.Yagi’s success so that it makes its way to South Korea so I can taste the delicious fish again!

私はデザイン制作とブランドマーケティング戦略を提案しました。例えば、三陸とれたて市場は、ポップアップレストランやクッキングスタジオなどを通して、お客様と直接接する機会を増やすべきだと提案しました。更に、大手チェーンのスーパーよりも、ローカルなオーガニック食品店に置くことによって、「オーガニック」や「新鮮」だというイメージが自然につくでしょう。こういうふうにお客様が直接繋がって初めて、私はデザイナーとして役立ちます。ブランドイメージは全体的な体験や雰囲気を決めるので、私は、先進技術と伝統を融合させた「タイムカプセル」というブランドイメージを提案しました。商品のビジュアルは少し古くて伝統的で、それと同時にエレガントで洗練された印象を与えなければなりません。キービジュアルのシンボルとして、”ロープ”を提案しました。ロープは、昔から現在に至るまで漁業で使われてきた伝統的な道具であり、そしてものを「結ぶ」道具でもあるので、「伝統」と「先進技術」というふたつの正反対の要素を結ぶシンボルにしました。更に、番屋という漁師の小屋をイメージしたポップアップレストランとクッキングスタジオのビジュアルをデザインしました。それから、日本の伝統的なパッケージデザインに、その商品の物語を伝えるべく、その商品が出来上がるまでの過程に関わっている人の紹介をするリーフレットを作り、最後にお問い合わせができるウェブサイトも提案しました。DOOR to ASIAが私の視野を広げてくれたように、私の提案も、三陸とれたて市場と八木さんにとって新たな可能性が広がるものであるといいなと思います。新しい商品開発、そして会社の益々の発展をお祈りします。私が韓国でも新鮮な魚が食べられるよう、いつかCAS商品を韓国まで展開してください。

Like, again!

I am grateful that I was part of Door to Asia program. Every moment I spent there remain as a good memory and sure it will remain so. (Except I gained 2 kilos and now enrolled to a gym to lose some fat!) I still brag about my experience – about the fish I ate, about the amazing people I met that I cannot possibly do so if I was only traveling, about the great program itself and about great ethics that everyone showed, which inspired me. This was only possible because of devoted staff members who were organizing and running the program. Besides, just meeting up with other designers from Asia has marked the significant change in me, so I am grateful that way too. This inspired me to organize a small exhibition in Seoul last November. I sincerely wish that this network continues on and wish to see everyone again someday. Please take care till we meet again. Thank you!

DOOR to ASIAに参加させていただくことができてとても感謝しています。そこで過ごした毎分毎秒は良い思い出になったし、これからも良い思い出になるでしょう。(しかし魚を食べ過ぎて2キロ太ったので、減量するためにジムに入会しました!)私が食べた新鮮な魚、そこで出会った素晴らしい人々、DOOR to ASIAという素晴らしいプログラムなどを、今でも周りの友達に話します。これは、プログラムを一生懸命、丁寧に運営してくれた皆さんのおかげです。アジアのほかのデザイナーに出会うことによって自分が変わったことも、とてもありがたかったです。彼らとのつながりで2017年11月にはソウルで小さな展示会を開いたのです。この友情と繋がりが永遠と続きますように。また会う日まで!

See you!




To be able to make a contribution toward helping communities in rural Japan and the opportunity to visit a country esteemed for its accomplishments in the arts and design, was too much to pass up. Door to Asia ‘17 provided a priceless platform for designers across 8 Asian countries to exchange ideas and contribute to spreading design’s reach beyond borders. Differences in language and culture did not prove to be obstacles as we spoke the same design language and shared a common goal, making change happen with small steps and interventions.

日本のローカルにおいて地域の活性に貢献できて、デザインの分野で多くの実績を挙げているこの国を訪れるチャンスを目の前に提示されたとき、断る理由が見つかりませんでした。DOOR to ASIA 2017はアジア8ヵ国のデザイナーが意見交換し、そしてデザイナーの領域を超えることを学べるという、とても価値のあるプラットフォームです。言語や文化の違いは決して障壁ではありませんでした。私たちは共通のデザイン言語、そして共通な目的を持って、少しずつ変化を起こしていくのです。

Distributed in pairs across 4 different businesses, In-ah (from South Korea) and I were assigned to work with Sanriku Toretate Ichiba Ltd. While studying the company we lived with Satomi Masahiko’s family. A 5th generation fisherman, business now continues with his eldest son. The entire family, his mother, wife, son and daughter, pitch in to help process the catch. To watch how the family worked together and the mix of their use of technology and tradition to process the produce was truly inspirational.

The company has been instrumental in using technology to help the local fishing industry market its products. Post the tsunami, Kenichiro Yagi realised he had to look at the ecological aspects of the industry as well. Driven by the urge to transform commercial fishing to protect the area’s abundant marine ecosystem from the vicious cycle of quantity over quality. Yagi san researched better freezing technologies to help preserve fish with all its inherent qualities. This led him to CAS. The Cell Alive System, a revolutionary technology developed in Japan.



Having researched the technology, Sanriku Toretate Ichiba was now focussing on the quality of its ingredients. Since everyone the world over is used to the concept of fresh food, the company’s biggest battle is in changing perceptions around frozen food. Sanriku Toretate Ichiba places tremendous focus on the right moment to kill and freeze its produce, to best retain it quality. The fish are slaughtered using the ancient Japanese technique of Shinkei jime. The technology allows customers in Japan, and beyond to enjoy the region’s produce regardless of season or distance.



After long discussions with the stakeholders I realised the problem Sanriku Toretate Ichiba was facing represented so many contradictions; fresh versus frozen, tradition versus modernity, family businesses versus corporations, hand processes versus machines. Everything about the company and its produce was scientific, backed by research and facts where people generally associate food with warmth, celebrations, family, and friends. Recipes and cuisines are passed on from generation to generation over centuries. People relied on local markets for the best and freshest produce without realising the time it had taken to get there. My focus centred around making the brand language more accessible. Making it less about the science, more about the produce and the people and traditions behind it. The first step was to suggest a name that would evoke a sense of respect for the ingredient, the fact that its provision cannot be taken for granted, and the poetry of food. A brand language and identity was developed to indicate the freshness of the produce and packaging developed to reflect traditional techniques through which the produce was procured, and of the faces behind it. To combine these aspects the name Umi kara no okurimono or ‘Gifts from the Sea’ was suggested. This also allowed for various product extensions, such as fruit and other locally produced ingredients Yagi san discussed with us. The tagline ‘The best taste every time. Anytime’ enforced the quality of the company’s produce and the fact that its taste was ensured regardless of season and the distance a customer was from its source. By putting a human touch to all aspects of the brand, I was trying distance the technology and the feel of a corporation from the product. More like your neighbourhood fish seller, or apple farmer who you could know and read about and see rather than a cold package of frozen food on a supermarket shelf.



私が考えたブランドランゲージは、「海からの贈り物」でした。これは、海に限らず、例えば果物をはじめとする現地の生産物にも展開できると考えました。タグラインを “The Best Taste Every Time, Any Time”(いつでも、どこでも、最高な味)にしました。お客様がどんなに遠くても、または季節外れでも、いつでもどこでも最高品質の魚や農作物を手に入れることができる、ということです。


It was my first time in Japan, and the fact that I got to interact with people from not just the business I worked with but others, and getting to see their passion and drive to improve the lives of those around them was truly enriching. I will always be grateful for that. It was also tremendously inspiring to see Yagi san’s passion to use technology to forward his community’s wellbeing while thinking of the environment and the consequences of their livelihood on it.


